Pandora radio stations list
Pandora radio stations list

pandora radio stations list

To tell Pandora you’re tired of a certain song, hover your mouse over the album artwork and click the up arrow located between the two thumb icons. Similar to the add variety feature, Pandora’s I’m tired of this track feature gives you even greater control over your station’s musical tendencies. Tell Pandora when you’re tired of a track There are far better ways to go about skipping the current song in lieu of the downvote, ones that neither hinder nor help the service’s ability to curate your station with tunes catered toward you. Furthermore, Pandora refrains from playing specific songs you’ve given a thumbs down to for an entire month. However, like upvoting, avoiding the thumbs down option is just as useful as avoiding the former, considering any artist who receives two downvotes is barred entirely from your future playlists. Yes, it’s a bit comical we recommend neither of Pandora’s signature rating options. Doing so helps keep your station focused on the original genre and avoids unnecessary song selections. Upvoting essentially broadens the scope of your desired station, bringing artists and songs that would otherwise be on the fringes of your station into the mainstream and rendering the station more all-encompassing than it once was. Instead, try only occasionally giving a thumbs up to new artists and songs you’d likely place on your “Top-50 Songs of All Time” list.

pandora radio stations list

Though you might assume otherwise, giving every song you like a thumbs up is not the most effective way to tailor a station to your liking. To do so, simply click the add variety button directly beneath the radio station you’re currently listening to and enter another artist, track, or composer in the resulting pop-up window.

  • Make your playlists available to your friendsĮver feel like a station plays the same rotation of songs over and over? With the a dd variety button, Pandora infuses greater diversity into your station, splicing the current offering with similar music qualities that might not come up otherwise.
  • Browse and preview an artist’s discography.
  • Start stations based on songs, not artists.
  • Tell Pandora when you’re tired of a track.
  • Additionally take a look at our showdown of Spotify, Pandora, and Grooveshark, along with our side-by-side breakdown of Pandora, Spotify, Google Music, and iTunes Radio’s radio capabilities and our picks for the best Spotify apps. Here’s our a few tips and tricks for using Pandora, so you can make the most of the service’s resounding algorithms and skip the trial-and-error process.
  • A station will be created and added to your Pandora ® station list.
  • For example, you might choose the category “Pop” and the subcategory “British Invasion” or the category “Jazz” with the subcategory “Western Swing.”
  • Or, move to the right side of the screen, and select “Genre.” Then, choose a category and subcategory of music.
  • Pandora ® will create a radio station featuring that music and more like it.
  • Enter the name of a favorite artist, song, or composer.
  • Move to the right side of the screen, and select “New station.”.
  • pandora radio stations list

  • Select “I have a Pandora ® Account” and sign in, or select “I am new to Pandora ® ” and follow the on-screen instructions.
  • From TiVo Central, select ‘Music & Photos’ / ‘Pandora’.

    Pandora ® is a free service that lets you create custom Internet radio stations personalized just for you, playing only the music you love and now on your GCI TV powered by TiVo! Just tell Pandora ® one of your favorite songs, artists, or composers, and it will create a radio station that explores that genre of music!


    How to use Pandora® with GCI TV powered by TiVo

    Pandora radio stations list